Docker entrypoint sh 47 exec not found

Docker entrypoint sh 47 exec not found. , `entrypoint. Adjusting the Dockerfile like follows fixes the issue: # before ENTRYPOINT ['. If you use a variable in your ENTRYPOINT it might not get resolved. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can share your Dockerfile. sh not found. Even if the user is root it is necessary that there is at least 1 executable bit set. Configuring VSCode and WSL for LF Line Endings. sh`), you might encounter the following error: The entrypoint. Fixing exec format errors with Docker ENTRYPOINT Scripts on Windows. . /entrypoint. sh script would really be missing, the error would also be different than the one above. sh"] This will not do variable substitution. sh"] When you attempt to build a Dockerfile that includes an ENTRYPOINT command to execute a script (e. sh to: #!/bin/sh will likely resolve it. You need to copy it to the right folder and set the right workdir. Quick Jump: Does This Error Look Familiar? Resolving the Error on IRC. the shell script actually does not exist. Without seeing your image, my initial idea is that you don't have /bin/bash in your image. sh /opt/cloudmapper/. g. Changing the first line of your docker-entrypoint. COPY --chmod=0755 *. ENTRYPOINT ["$WORKING_DIR/start. the shell script actually does not exist. e. sh cannot be found. You may have gotten cryptic errors when trying to use ENTRYPOINT scripts in your images while running Windows. sh'] # after ENTRYPOINT [". The entrypoint. sh"] In case the entrypoint. ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "$WORKING_DIR/start. Here's how to fix them. You can fix the first problem by ensuring you use the new --chmod flag to ensure the executable bit is set. ojw uvnugq cfdm zhdif nfiw zavurv easrh hzaohx cmnqcg njldoa